Trends in ESD test method

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Trend in ESD test methodTrends In ESD Test Methods
by Stan Weitz Electro-Tech Systems, Inc. (ETS)

(Materials Testing Section of the ETS Testing Laboratory)

When asked, “What’s new in ESD Test Methods” the answer is plenty. Over the past decade the static control industry has come a long way. As new technologies develop, ESD susceptibility levels drop (in the hard drive industry ESD susceptibility levels are down to an incredible 5 volts). Electrostatics is as old as time itself. It was not until 600 B C that Thales of Miletus began conducting basic experiments with static electricity that involved charging Amber by rubbing it with a piece of fur and observing the attraction of lightweight objects such as fur, feathers, etc. Serious work in the field of electrostatics began during the Renaissance when Gilbert pu

关键词: Trend   method  


