
  作者:dolphin 时间:2016-10-14



ATtiny 电子蜡烛,皮特•米尔斯开发这个伟大的蜡烛,正如我们图片所见到的一样,但怎样让这蜡烛的光芒像传统的蜡烛一样闪烁呢。


皮特使用一个高亮的LED和一些模拟的辅助软件,这样就使得ATtiny 电子蜡烛的烛光和传统蜡烛拥有一样的闪烁的烛光,并且优于传统蜡烛,因为它不伴有明火的危险。


ATtiny 电子蜡烛最难的部分就闪烁神态逼真,所以皮特做了一个蜡烛光检测电阻( LDR )和固定电阻作为一个分压器。这是作为ATTINY85 ADC之中的一个输入端,并离散时间间隔的进行采样。采样速率为100毫秒。然后将采集的8bit的电频值存储到EEPROM中,以便记录蜡烛的闪烁图谱,驱动将其连接的LED、PWM形成通路。在用三节干电池供电。最后您只需编程程序,然后通过开关进行控制。


下面是ATtiny 电子蜡烛的电路图




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Program Description: This program reads a light detecting resistor thru an internal ADC and stores the value,
after scaling it, to eeprom. This ADC value is sent to a PWM channel with attached led. This is essentially a data logger
for light and replay by LED. If, if you aim the LDR at a flickering candle during its recording phase, you have a flickering
led candle.

A circuit description and other details can be found at http://petemills.blogspot.com

Filename: ATTiny_Candle_v1.0.c
Author: Pete Mills

Int. RC Osc. 8 MHz; Start-up time PWRDWN/RESET: 6 CK/14 CK + 64 ms


//********** Includes **********


//********** Definitions **********

// LED for flame simulation

#define LED PB0
#define LED_DDR DDRB

// Light Detecting Resistor for recording a live flame

#define LDR PINB3
#define LDR_DDR DDRB

// Tactile Switch Input

#define SW1 PINB4
#define SW1_PORT PINB
#define SW1_DDR DDRB

#define ARRAY_SIZE 500 // size of the flicker array
#define SAMPLE_RATE 100 // ms delay for collecting and reproducing the flicker

//********** Function Prototypes **********

void setup(void);
void toggle_led(void);
void program_flicker(void);
void led_alert(void);
void eeprom_save_array(void);
void eeprom_read_array(void);
void scale_array(void);
uint8_t get_adc(void);
uint8_t scale( uint8_t input, uint8_t inp_low, uint8_t inp_hi, uint8_t outp_low, uint8_t outp_hi);
uint8_t is_input_low(char port, char channel, uint8_t debounce_time, int input_block);

//********** Global Variables **********

uint8_t flicker_array[ ARRAY_SIZE ] = { 0 };
uint8_t EEMEM ee_flicker_array[ ARRAY_SIZE ] = { 0 };

int main(void)

uint16_t replay = 0;




if( is_input_low( SW1_PORT, SW1, 25, 250 ) )

// program the flicker
// after entering and upon completion, a predetermined flash pattern will occur as described in led_alert()
// aim the ldr at a flickering candle or any other light source ( like a laser ) you want to record during this time
// and upon completion the values are stored to eeprom. They are played back immediately as well
// as being recalled from eeprom upon first start up


// replay the recorded flicker pattern

OCR0A = flicker_array[ replay ];

if( replay = ( ARRAY_SIZE - 13 ) ) // if the end of the stored array has been reached
replay = 0; // start again from the beginning

_delay_ms( SAMPLE_RATE );
_delay_ms( 3 ); // ADC Conversion time


//********** Functions **********

void setup(void)

//********* Port Config *********

LED_DDR |= ( 1 LED); // set PB0 to 1 for output
LED_PORT = ~( 1 LED ); // turn the led off

LDR_DDR = ~( 1 LDR ); // set LDR pin to 0 for input
LDR_PORT |= ( 1 LDR ); // write 1 to enable internal pullup

SW1_DDR = ~( 1 SW1 ); // set sw1 pin to 0 for input
SW1_PORT |= ( 1 SW1 ); // write a 1 to sw1 to enable the internal pullup

//********** PWM Config *********

TCCR0A |= ( ( 1 COM0A1 ) | ( 1 WGM01 ) | ( 1 WGM00 ) ); // non inverting fast pwm
TCCR0B |= ( 1 CS00 ); // start the timer

//********** ADC Config **********

ADMUX |= ( ( 1 ADLAR ) | ( 1 MUX1 ) | ( 1 MUX0 ) ); // left adjust and select ADC3
ADCSRA |= ( ( 1 ADEN ) | ( 1 ADPS2 ) | ( 1 ADPS1 ) ); // ADC enable and clock divide 8MHz by 64 for 125khz sample rate
DIDR0 |= ( 1 ADC3D ); // disable digital input on analog input channel to conserve power


void toggle_led()
LED_PORT ^= ( 1 LED );

uint8_t is_input_low( char port, char channel, uint8_t debounce_time, int input_block )

This function is for debouncing a switch input
Debounce time is a blocking interval to wait until the input is tested again.
If the input tests low again, a delay equal to input_block is executed and the function returns ( 1 )

if ( bit_is_clear( port, channel ) )
_delay_ms( debounce_time );

if ( bit_is_clear( port, channel ) )
_delay_ms( input_block );
return 1;


return 0;

uint8_t get_adc()
ADCSRA |= ( 1 ADSC ); // start the ADC Conversion

while( ADCSRA ( 1 ADSC )); // wait for the conversion to be complete

return ~ADCH; // return the inverted 8-bit left adjusted adc val


void program_flicker()
// build the flicker array

for( int i = 0; i ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
flicker_array[ i ] = get_adc();
_delay_ms( SAMPLE_RATE );


void led_alert()
// this is a function to create a visual alert that an event has occured within the program
// it toggles the led 10 times.

for( int i = 0; i 10; i++ )
OCR0A = 0;
_delay_ms( 40 );
OCR0A = 255;
_delay_ms( 40 );


void eeprom_save_array()
for( int i = 0; i ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
eeprom_write_byte( ee_flicker_array[ i ], flicker_array[ i ] );


void eeprom_read_array()
for( int i = 0; i ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
flicker_array[ i ] = eeprom_read_byte( ee_flicker_array[ i ] );


uint8_t scale( uint8_t input, uint8_t inp_low, uint8_t inp_hi, uint8_t outp_low, uint8_t outp_hi)
return ( ( ( input - inp_low ) * ( outp_hi - outp_low ) ) / ( ( inp_hi - inp_low ) + outp_low ) );

void scale_array()
uint8_t arr_min = 255;
uint8_t arr_max = 0;
uint8_t out_low = 20;
uint8_t out_high = 255;

// find the min and max values

for( int i = 0; i ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
if( flicker_array[ i ] arr_min )
arr_min = flicker_array[ i ];

if( flicker_array[ i ] arr_max )
arr_max = flicker_array[ i ];

// now that we know the range, scale it

for( int i = 0; i ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
flicker_array[ i ] = scale( flicker_array[ i ], arr_min, arr_max, out_low, out_high );

} igh );

} igh );




} }

} }

} }



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关键词: 超自然的LED烛光蜡烛 电路图 电路图技术资料 电路图设计资


