

  一、 前言:

  在电子磅秤或温度量测应用中,常会需要较高分辨率模拟到数字转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter;ADC)来量测模拟信号量化组件。而当提到高分辨率模拟到数字转换器,都会联想到ADI、Intersil、Maxim、Microchip、LTC、TI等国外大厂,但是这些国外的组件给人的印象就是单价高、交期长;对于工业控制及仪表的应用而言产品的单价,以模拟到数字转换器占较多。随着模拟集成电路成熟,各厂家分别生产架构为Σ-Δ或双斜率的模拟到数字转换器。以纮康科技为例,该公司所生产转换器皆为Σ-Δ架构,有HY310x/HY311x系列Σ-Δ 24位高分辨率模拟数字转换器、HY11Pxx系列具有高分辨率模拟数字转换器的混合信号处理器(Mixed-Signal Microcontroller),及具有数字复用表模拟前端(Analog Front End)的专用芯片HY12P65。

  本文将以HY3106为应用,它除为Σ-Δ 24位模拟到数字转换器,并内建可程序放大器、温度传感器等外围。

  二、 HY310x功能简介:


  1. 工作电压范围: 2.4V to 3.6V

  2. 工作温度范围: -40℃ to +85℃

  3. 内建VDDA稳压器,可选择Off, 2.4V, 2.7V, 3.0V或3.3V

  4. 外部/内部频率源

  5. SPI 数据传输接口

  6. 内置绝对温度传感器(±2℃)

  7. SSOP16 封装

  8. 内建4种输入模式切换(正向输入、下短路、上短路、交错)

  9. 内建直流偏压设置,可选择0,±1/8,±1/4 , ±3/8, ±1/2,±5/8, ±3/4, ±7/8倍VREF的偏置电压

  10. 24位全差动输入ΣΔADC模拟数字转换器

  u 极小的输入噪声50nVrms

  u 数据输出速率10, 80, 640或2560SPS

  u 可抑制50/60Hz的讯号

  u 在参考端内置高阻抗输入缓冲器

  11. 工作电流:

  u 300μA @ gain=1, 2 or 4

  u 950μA @ gain=64, 128

  12. 低Sleep电流,约0.65μA(ENADC=0)

  13. 内建前置放大器(PGA),可程序放大倍率x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x128

  ▲ HY310x内部功能方块图

  三、 HY310x传输协议:


  1. 单笔数据读写模式-在此模式,首先必须输出Command,接下再写入或读取缓存器数据。

  ▲ Write Register and Read Register

  2. 连续读取模式-在此模式,首先必须输出NCR(No Command for Read) Command,接下微控制等IRQ中断信号,再读取转换数据缓存器。

  ▲ Continuous read mode


  ▼ SPI Command Format


  ▼ Register List(Setting)

  ▼ Register List(Data)

  四、 电路图:

          五、 程序行表:


  * main.c

  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  * Copyright 2012 Hycon Technology, Corp.

  * http://www.hycontek.com/


  * Release 1.0

  * 12/12/2012


  * Program Description:

  * --------------------

  * C8051F330

  * ---------

  * | ------------------

  * P0.7 | SCL (SMBus) ---> SCK | LCD Drive HY2613 |

  * P0.6 | SDA (SMBus) ---> SDA ------------------

  * P0.5 | RX0 (UART0) <---

  * P0.4 | TX0 (UART0) --->

  * | ------------------

  * P0.3 | NSS (SPI0) ---> CS | |

  * P0.2 | MOSI (SPI0) ---> SDI | Data Converters |

  * P0.1 | MISO (SPI0) <--- SDO | HY3106 |

  * P0.1 | SCK (SPI0) ---> SCK | |

  * GND | ------------------

  * |

  * ---------



  // Includes


  #include // compiler declarations

  #include // SFR declarations





  // Global CONSTANTS


  #define SYSCLK 24500000 // SYSCLK frequency in Hz

  #define SPI_CLOCK 500000 // The SPI clock is a maximum of 500 kHz

  #define SMB_FREQUENCY 10000 // Target SCL clock rate

  // This example supports between 10kHz

  // and 100kHz

  #define WRITE 0x00 // SMBus WRITE command

  #define READ 0x01 // SMBus READ command

  // Status vector - top 4 bits only

  #define SMB_MTSTA 0xE0 // (MT) start transmitted

  #define SMB_MTDB 0xC0 // (MT) data byte transmitted

  #define SMB_MRDB 0x80 // (MR) data byte received

  // End status vector definition


  // Global Variables


  extern bit Sec1s_Flag; // 1Sec Flag

  extern bit Sec20ms_Flag; // 20mSec Flag

  extern bit ADC_Done_Flag; // Flag

  extern unsigned char x20ms; // 设定1秒=50x20ms

  extern unsigned char Delay_20ms;

  unsigned long ADC0_Buffer;

  unsigned long ADC1_Buffer;

  unsigned long TS_Buffer;

  unsigned char Tx_Data[25];

  unsigned char TARGET; // Target SMBus slave address

  bit SMB_BUSY; // Software flag to indicate when the

  // SMB_Read() or SMB_Write() functions

  // have claimed the SMBus

  unsigned char SMB_RW; // Software flag to indicate the

  // direction of the current transfer

  unsigned long NUM_ERRORS; // Counter for the number of errors.

  unsigned char NUM_BYTES_WR; // Number of bytes to write

  // Master -> Slave

  unsigned char Data_Buffer[18]={0};

  sbit MISO = P0^1;

  sbit MOSI = P0^2;


  // Function PROTOTYPES


  void System_Initial (void);

  void HY3106_Initial(void);

  void Read_ADC(void);

  void Read_ADC1(void);

  void Display (void);

  void delay(void);

  void ClearLCDframe(void);

  void DisplayHYcon(void);


  // MAIN Routine


  void main (void)



  EA = 1; // Global enable 8051 interrupts

  Ini_Display(); // Set and Clear LCD form



  EA = 0; // Global disable 8051 interrupts




  EA = 1; // Global enable 8051 interrupts


  while(Delay_20ms!=0); // Wait 500mS


  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select



  // Main Application Loop


  while (1) // Loop and wait for interrupts


  if (Sec20ms_Flag == 1)



  Sec20ms_Flag = 0;







  while(Delay_20ms!=0); // Wait 100mS





  /* Clear LCD RAM Data */


  void ClearLCDframe(void)


  unsigned char Index=0;








  /* Inital the LCD Drive */


  void Ini_Display(void)


  Tx_Data[0] = ICSET|SWRst|OscModeInt; //ICSET equ 0EAh

  Tx_Data[1] = DISCTL|PoMode3|FrInv|PoHigh; //DISCTL equ 0BFh

  Tx_Data[2] = ADSET; //ADSET equ 000h

  Tx_Data[3] = ADSET; //ADSET equ 000h


  TARGET = HY2613_Slave_addr; // Target the HY2613(0x7C) Slave for next

  // SMBus transfer

  while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for SMBus to be free.

  SMB_BUSY = 1; // Claim SMBus (set to busy)

  SMB_RW = 0; // Mark this transfer as a WRITE

  STA = 1; // Start transfer

  while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for transfer to complete



  /* RAM Data Send to LCD */


  void RAM2LCD(unsigned char *Buffer_Adr, unsigned char length)


  Tx_Data[0] = DISCTL|PoMode3|FrInv|PoHigh; //

  Tx_Data[1] = BLKCTL; //0xf0

  Tx_Data[2] = PIXCTL; //0xfc

  Tx_Data[3] = MODE_SET|Dis_ON; //0xc8

  Tx_Data[4] = ADSET; //0x00




  Tx_Data[NUM_BYTES_WR] = *Buffer_Adr++;



  TARGET = HY2613_Slave_addr; // Target the HY2613(0x7C) Slave for next

  // SMBus transfer

  while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for SMBus to be free.

  SMB_BUSY = 1; // Claim SMBus (set to busy)

  SMB_RW = 0; // Mark this transfer as a WRITE

  STA = 1; // Start transfer

  while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for transfer to complete



  // Measure Analog Value


  void Read_ADC(void)


  unsigned char buffer;

  // SPI Command

  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select


  while(Delay_20ms!=0); // Wait 500mS


  buffer= Read_Reg|ADC0_Register|NCR;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;




  // Measure Analog Value


  void Read_ADC1(void)


  unsigned char buffer;

  // SPI Command

  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  buffer =SPI0DAT;


  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  buffer =SPI0DAT;


  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  buffer =SPI0DAT;





  // HY3106 Initialization


  void HY3106_Initial(void)


  unsigned char buffer;


  // SPI Command

  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select

  buffer= Write_Reg|SYS_Register;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  //System Configuration Setting


  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  NSSMD0 = 1; // Step5: Deactivate Slave Select



  // SPI Command

  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select

  buffer= Read_Reg|SYS_Register;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  Data_Buffer[0] =SPI0DAT;

  NSSMD0 = 1; // Step5: Deactivate Slave Select



  // SPI Command

  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select

  buffer= Write_Reg|ADC_Register;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  //ADC Control Register Setting 1

  buffer = DCSET0|INX0|ADGN1;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  //ADC Control Register Setting 2

  buffer = PGA1|FRb0|OSR_10|ADCEN;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  NSSMD0 = 1; // Step5: Deactivate Slave Select



  // SPI Command

  NSSMD0 = 0; // Step1: Activate Slave Select

  buffer= Read_Reg|ADC_Register;

  SPI0DAT =buffer; // Step2: Send command

  while (!SPIF); // Step3: Wait for end of transfer

  SPIF = 0; // Step4: Clear the SPI intr. flag

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  Data_Buffer[1] = SPI0DAT;

  SPI0DAT = 0xFF; // Dummy write to output serial clock

  while (!SPIF); // Wait for the value to be read

  SPIF = 0;

  Data_Buffer[2] = SPI0DAT;

  NSSMD0 = 1; // Step5: Deactivate Slave Select




  // Display Digits Application Code

  // Update the LCD Display


  void Display(void)


  char LCD_ADDR;

  unsigned long buffer;




  Data_Buffer[LCD_ADDR] = seg[buffer % 10];

  buffer = buffer / 10;





  /* Display HYcon Char */


  void DisplayHYcon(void)











  // Peripheral specific initialization functions,

  // Called from the Init_Device() function


  void System_Initial()



  PCA0MD &= ~0x40; // WDTE = 0 (clear watchdog timer enable)

  PCA0MD = 0x00;

  // Oscillator_Init()

  OSCICN = 0x83; // Internal H-F Oscillator Enabled.

  // SYSCLK derived from Internal H-F Oscillator divided by 1.

  // Init Timer2 to generate interrupts at a 50 Hz rate.

  TMR2CN = 0x00; // Stop Timer2; Clear TF2; use SYSCLK/12 as timebase

  CKCON &= ~0x60; // Timer2 clocked based on T2XCLK;

  TMR2RL = -(SYSCLK / 12 / 50); // Init reload values

  TMR2 = 0xffff; // set to reload immediately

  ET2 = 1; // enable Timer2 interrupts

  TR2 = 1; // start Timer2

  // Configure Timer1 for use as SMBus clock source

  #if ((SYSCLK/SMB_FREQUENCY/3) < 255)

  #define SCALE 1

  CKCON |= 0x08; // Timer1 clock source = SYSCLK

  #elif ((SYSCLK/SMB_FREQUENCY/4/3) < 255)

  #define SCALE 4

  CKCON |= 0x01;

  CKCON &= ~0x0A; // Timer1 clock source = SYSCLK / 4


  TMOD = 0x20; // Timer1 in 8-bit auto-reload mode

  // Timer1 configured to overflow at 1/3 the rate defined by SMB_FREQUENCY


  TL1 = -(SYSCLK/SMB_FREQUENCY/SCALE/3); // Init Timer1

  TR1 = 1; // Timer1 enabled

  // Configure and enable SMBus

  SMB0CF = 0x5D; // Use Timer1 overflows as SMBus clock

  // source;

  // Disable slave mode;

  // Enable setup & hold time extensions;

  // Enable SMBus Free timeout detect;

  // Enable SCL low timeout detect;

  SMB0CF |= 0x80; // Enable SMBus;

  //EIE1 |= 0x01; // Enable the SMBus interrupt


  SPI0CFG = 0x70; //MSTEN 1: Enable master mode. Operate as a master.

  //CKPHA 1: Data centered on second edge of SCK period.

  //CKPOL 1: SCK line high in idle state.

  SPI0CN = 0x0D;

  SPI0CKR = (SYSCLK/(2*SPI_CLOCK)); //SPI frequency 500kHz


  P0MDOUT = 0x0D; // Make SCK, MOSI, and NSS push-pull

  XBR0 = 0x07; // Enable UART on P0.4(TX) and P0.5(RX)

  // Enable the SPI on the XBAR

  // Enable the SMBus on the XBAR

  XBR1 = 0x40; // Enable crossbar and enable weak pull-ups


  TCON = 0x05; // /INT 0 and /INT 1 are edge triggered

  IT01CF = 0x61; // /INT0 active low; /INT0 on P0.1;

  // /INT1 active low; /INT1 on P0.6

  //EX0 = 1; // Enable /INT0 interrupts

  //EX1 = 1; // Enable /INT0 interrupts

  PX0 = 1;



  // SMBus Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)




  bit FAIL = 0; // Used by the ISR to flag failed transfers

  static unsigned char sent_byte_counter;

  // Normal operation

  switch (SMB0CN & 0xF0) // Status vector


  // Master Transmitter/Receiver: START condition transmitted.

  case SMB_MTSTA:

  SMB0DAT = TARGET|SMB_RW; // Load target address & R/W bit

  STA = 0; // Manually clear START bit

  sent_byte_counter = 1; // Reset the counter


  // Master Transmitter: Data byte transmitted

  case SMB_MTDB:

  if (ACK) // Slave ACK?


  if (SMB_RW == WRITE) // If this transfer is a WRITE,


  if (sent_byte_counter <= NUM_BYTES_WR)


  // send data byte

  SMB0DAT = Tx_Data[sent_byte_counter-1];





  STO = 1; // Set STO to terminate transfer

  SMB_BUSY = 0; // And free SMBus interface



  else {} // If this transfer is a READ,

  // proceed with transfer without

  // writing to SMB0DAT (switch to receive mode)


  else // If slave NACK,


  STO = 1; // Send STOP condition, followed

  STA = 1; // By a START

  NUM_ERRORS++; // Indicate error




  FAIL = 1; // Indicate failed transfer

  // and handle at end of ISR


  } // end switch

  if (FAIL) // If the transfer failed,


  SMB0CF &= ~0x80; // Reset communication

  SMB0CF |= 0x80;

  STA = 0;

  STO = 0;

  ACK = 0;

  SMB_BUSY = 0; // Free SMBus

  FAIL = 0;

  NUM_ERRORS++; // Indicate an error occurred


  SI = 0; // Clear interrupt flag



  /* End Of File */


  六、 芯片供货商:

  l 纮康科技(Hycon Technology)专注于温度、压力、重量、电压、电流、功率……等模拟讯号的量测及监视。主要提供在电池管理、仪器仪表(包含医疗、计量、 温度…),及工业控制等领域的相关芯片开发。

关键词: 纮康 ADC



